Astra POS and Credit Cards FAQ


Note - This is legacy information for Astra

As of November 30th, 2023 the Astra Cloud Software and BookYourSite were Discontinued


Can the devices be mounted?

The device that we recommend can be mounted to the counter. The mounting hardware is sold separately.

Does the PIN Pad support EMV Chip and signature?

Currently the devices that we suggest are EMV ready. We do not support signature at this time.

What functions will the PIN Pad be able to perform?

  • The PIN Pad is enabled to process Credit Card, Debit and Gift Cards (Payware only).
  • Credit Card: Sale, Credit/Return, Void, Pre-Auth, Post-Auth
  • Debit: Sale, Credit/Return
  • Gift Card: Activate, Sale, Credit/Return, Reload, Unload

If I’m already integrated with Campground Manager and I’m upgrading to Astra, can I still use the same PIN Pad?

Yes, the integration for Campground Manager and Astra are compatible and does not require a change when upgrading. If you plan on changing processors when upgrading then there are extra steps required to get it to work.

Can I use any or an existing PIN Pad?

No. Each processor uses a different type of PIN pad that is specific to their servers and database. We suggest you contact us first to find out what equipment is compatible with our interface. If you are using a device that we recommend then reprogramming will need to be done before you can use it with our system. Reprogramming and key injection for the first time will require the PIN pad to be sent to the processor for security reasons.

If the PIN Pad is stolen will the thief be able to access the customer’s data?

No, the personal customer data is encrypted at the time of swipe, tap and chip read. Offline credit card processing has also been disabled preventing any card data from being stored. The device can also be remotely locked out of your account from the online store portal. All of your customer information will be safe you will only lose the hardware.

Are there any updates for the device?

As PCI is an ongoing process you will need to upgrade the pos software and the device software. Some of these processes are automatic while other will require times to update the system. Please check our website for ongoing information regarding your security with the integration of the PIN Pads. OpenEdge will contact you if updates to the RCM are required.

When using a PIN Pad, are there any additional hardware requirements to make it work?

When using OpenEdge integration you will need a UBS port open to connect the device to the computer. It will also require the installation of drives. OpenEdge will help install the latest version of the drives and the RCM component. When using Payware you will need to have an open Ethernet connection for the device. This might require the need to buy a switch for your workstations. Depending on the configuration or your environment more than one switch might be needed. The Payware integration does not require any drivers to be installed on your system.

Can we buy or rent the device?

You can buy or rent the device. Please contact our sales staff and we will put you in contact with the agent that can give you the correct information to satisfy these conditions.

Can you use one device or share a device with multiple workstations?

Yes, Payware connect allows one PIN Pad device to be shared with multiple stations. OpenEdge requires a device on every workstation and cannot share the device with multiple stations. If you do not have a PIN Pad device you can still use the magnetic stripe reader or type into the system manual to process a credit card or gift card. You will be able to use a mix environment. To be able to process a debit you will need to use a PIN Pad.

Will the credit cards, debit cards and gift cards work in both Registration and Point-of Sale areas of Astra?

Yes, all of those card-processing methods are integrated within Astra.

What hardware do you need to process cards?

A magnetic stripe reader is required to scan magnetic stripe credit cards. They can be purchase through POS World and most other hardware vendors. This is the least costly solution, however, new PCI DSS requirements strongly suggest that you use a PIN pad reader for the new CHIP cards that are being implemented throughout North America. The PIN pad reader can also read non-CHIP cards (magnetic stripe) so it can do double duty. Each processor uses a different type of PIN pad that is specific to their servers and database. That is why we suggest you contact us first to find out what equipment is compatible with our interface. The PIN pads range in price and features. They are typically a few hundred dollars each. There are many things to consider and options would change if you are planning to offer Debit or Gift Card payments. Once you decide on the processor and options you would like, an exact price for the device can be provided.

What are the rates charged by Open Edge (xWeb) and VeriFone Payware Connect?

The rates and transaction fees are competitive but must be quoted directly from an Open Edge or the Payware sales agent. Integration with Astra requires specific setup requirements. Please contact our sales staff and we will put you in contact with the agent that can give you the correct information to satisfy these conditions.

Will the credit cards, debit cards and gift cards work in both Registration and Point-of Sale areas of Astra?

Yes, all of those card-processing methods are integrated within Astra.

What hardware do you need to process cards?

A magnetic stripe reader is required to scan magnetic stripe credit cards. They can be purchase through POS World and most other hardware vendors. This is the least costly solution, however, new PCI DSS requirements strongly suggest that you use a PIN pad reader for the new CHIP cards that are being implemented throughout North America. The PIN pad reader can also read non-CHIP cards (magnetic stripe) so it can do double duty. Each processor uses a different type of PIN pad that is specific to their servers and database. That is why we suggest you contact us first to find out what equipment is compatible with our interface. The PIN pads range in price and features. They are typically a few hundred dollars each. There are many things to consider and options would change if you are planning to offer Debit or Gift Card payments. Once you decide on the processor and options you would like, an exact price for the device can be provided.

What are the rates charged by Open Edge (xWeb) and VeriFone Payware Connect?

The rates and transaction fees are competitive but must be quoted directly from an Open Edge or the Payware sales agent. Integration with Astra requires specific setup requirements. Please contact our sales staff and we will put you in contact with the agent that can give you the correct information to satisfy these conditions.

What if I don’t have a camp store?

The POS is ideal for selling incidental items and services like postal box rental fees, fax service, gate card deposit, extra vehicle fees etc. Many of your miscellaneous charges can be sold or charged to a customer’s account through the POS.

How much does the POS module cost?

POS is not an add-on module. It is included with your Astra software package so there is no additional fee.

Will the sales show in my Campground Manager Reports?

Yes! POS is completely integrated with CM. The clerk’s daily cash totals will include all sales made through the POS and store sales and taxes will be displayed along with the camping revenues. Accounting journal entries will be prepared for export into your GL along with your site revenues entries.

How long will it take to set up POS?

Most stores have between 1500 and 3000 items. With 2 people it take about 1 to 2 days to scan in and setup the entire inventory in the store. Once complete you are ready to start selling!

Will I need any special hardware to run POS?

POS will run under the same operating systems and computer hardware that is recommended for Astra. However, you may want to consider some time saving accessories to help speed up your POS processing. A UPC scanner is highly recommended. This will enable your clerks to quickly and accurately scan a store item to register a sale. A cash drawer is another handy accessory along with a 3.5 inch receipt printer. This will help manage your till and save on printing large paper invoices. For a full list of POS options view the POS Hardware section.

Will I need additional licenses to run the POS module?

Not necessarily, the POS feature is built into Astra so the licenses you’ve purchased will also work with POS. If you plan on adding concurrent users to your current system beyond the number you currently have, then you will be required to buy more licenses.

What is the Point-of-sale (POS) feature in Astra?

The Point-of-Sale (POS) is a feature that is built into every version of Astra. It helps track your camp store sales and manage store inventory. The feature is completely integrated with Astra so all sales activities are accounted for within one system. With the POS you may check in customers and ring out store sales from any workstation. At the end of the day, revenues reports and cash balancing is all performed within one system.