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Can you transfer information from my current version of Campground Manager- Classic or other database program into Astra?

Yes. Currently some information can be transferred. If you can get the names, addresses. emails and phone numbers in a tab delimited spreadsheet such as Excel, we will clean up the incomplete names and duplicates and import them before you go live with the software. Having the names of repeat customers will greatly speed up the conversion process when entering transactions and reservations.

We can also import Point-Of-Sale store items if they can be prepared in the same way, they too can be imported saving a great deal of product setup. We of course, do all the setup of the rates and taxes for you before delivering your software. Once received you’ll be ready to enter reservations.

NOTE: In the months to come, we are aiming to have a transaction converter that will recreate your reservation and billing transactions. Please check the website for updates on this feature.